About GMonet

Before the Kinks

No, I did not have a bad perm. No, my scalp is not sensitive. No, I am not mad at men.
Yes, I loved my permed hair. Yes, I love natural hair. Yes, I had long permed hair.

High School

First Year of College

End of First Year

Beginning of Sophomore Year... PAH!!!

Junior Year and Yea, Its Growing!!!

Middle Of Senior Year!

December 1st, 2013

November 2014

Why did you go natural?
Honestly, I was in college and I had no way of getting to and from the shop. My natural hair was so strong my permed hair broke off of it and I only had 2 months of growth.

When did you go natural?
February 7th, 2010

What is your hair type?
Average 4b-4c

Any more questions? Just ask...