Friday, August 26, 2011

Natural Hair Faux Bun

This hair style is very simple. You will need:

  • Brush
  • Gel (or whatever you use to slick your hair)
  • Rubber Band
  • Textured Braiding Hair: For Example- Marley Braid 
  • A different texture of braiding hair: I used Regular Kanekelon 

  1. I used the gel on my wet hair and I slicked it up into a high bun. This bun is where I would attach my fake hair. 
  2. Let your hair dry!!! 
  3. Braid your braiding hair in one big braid or twist. But leave some pieces out for a bang
  4. Attach one end of the hair you braided to your bun with a rubber band or the band that comes on the hair. 
  5. Wrap the large braid around your ponytail to form a bigger bun around your little bun. 
  6. Bobby Pin the bun down until it is secure enough for you. 
  7. Now pin the bang piece to one side of the bun and swoop it over your forehead to the other side and pin it. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Black Onyx Super Wave Application

I have not worn weave in over 6 months. However I was recently feeling like I wanted to do something different to my hair. Well ironically one day I was in the beauty supply store and I saw this awesome weave. BLACK ONYX SUPER WAVE! It was $26.99 for 14in and $23.99 for 12in. This video is the application of the weave and below are a few pics of myself in it! 

A Few Up Close Pics of the Process

Night Time Routine: Braids & a Bonnet

Pics of Me Rocking This Big Hair!!!