Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Enhancing Deep Conditioner

So you are bored with your conditioner. it works well but you want to do something special with it. You want it to tingle. You want it to have more moisture. You wish it had some protein properties. You know what you can do? Just Mix It! Now you all know I have been ranting about Shea Moisture Deep Treatment masque forever. Shea Moisture is a great base product to mix other products in with it. it is very neutral. For a protein treatment I added some of a Palmer's protein pack to it. If I wanted it more moisturizing I mixes Jojoba Oil in it.  If I want more scalp stimulation I add peppermint and tea tree oil in it. You can use some of your deep conditioners and do the same thing! 

1 comment:

  1. ha, I will experiment my thought, your post bring me some good ideas, it’s truly amazing, thanks.

