Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thanks Mom!


I Put This Ish on Everythang!

There is this majestic oil that I brought from Malika Cooper of Baltimore's Dreadz n Headz. I do not know what is in this oil all I know is that it is great! I have stretched it when it has gotten low by adding Coconut Oil, Safflower Oil (my favorite), and coconut oil. I will be going to whole foods soon to make my own.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Melting Shea Butter

At the flea market I bought 2 huge bags of shea butter for $10. i always wanted to use it but I did not want to rub my hands together briskly to warm it up for use. SO one day while in a hot shower I said WA-LAH!!!

I put some  shea butter in a ziplock  bag (I made sure it was closed tight). I then put the bag on the floor in the shower.

I killed 2 birds with 1 stone! I washed and melted some shea butter that I could use from head to toe.

 Problem Solved